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Advice from one mother to her family

“There’s a time to be born and a time to die…”

Hopefully, circumstances allow time to prepare for both.

To paint a nursery and buy a crib

And to create an ethical will or a letter for one’s family. This got me thinking of what I wrote on my own Five Wishes Advance Directive form. I reread it and realized that my letter of advice is right here.

Be generous with your time. It’s the best thing you have to give.

And your love. It comes back to you.

And money too. It might not come back to you, but there but for the grace of god…

Celebrate things, things both large and small. A birthday or seeing a cardinal from your kitchen window.

Appreciate what you have.

Nurture what you value.

Know what your priorities really are. Make a list and don’t worry about the order. Just number a piece of paper from 1 to 20 and write down who and what is important to you.
Protect and take care of each of them..

Be involved in the lives of children.
Be involved in everything.

Plant a garden. Even if it is just a plant or two on your kitchen windowsill. Give it light and water and help something grow.

Stay close.

Talk things over, good things & bad, big things & little ones. Tell someone what makes you happy. And sad.

Be a good listener.

Be a good friend.

Be prepared. You never know …
Trust yourself. Tune in to your feelings and honor them. If it doesn’t taste good, don’t eat it. If a person or situation doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not.
Be aware of what is going on in the world.

Know how lucky you are.


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